Move to Learn: Brain Gym® for Teachers, Parents & Students

No Prerequisites
LENGTH: 7.5 hours
This course is available for Teacher and Educational Assistant Professional Development, Parent, Community and Home Schooling Groups.
For more info and to book, contact Dana
Did you know that movement opens the door to learning? Learn the 26 Brain Gym® movements that address the physical aspects of learning, reduce stress and facilitate learning with the whole brain–body system.
As we deepen our understanding of the relationship between movement and learning, of what we notice as we observe our students physically and what is happening in terms of their ability to learn, we learn to recognize when we are ready to learn as well as acquiring the tools for when this is not the case. The physical skills related to specific academic competencies are presented, and the course includes an 88 page manual.
Topics and activities covered include:
- What does it mean and feel like to be ready to learn.
- How to “warm up” our brain
- Activities that help us to focus and concentrate with ease
- Activities that help us to organize and remember
- Building the developmental steps to facilitate right and left sides of the brain working together
- Physical skills for reading to help us decode, encode and easily move our eyes across a page or screen
- Physical skills for listening, spelling and math
- Physical skills for writing and fine motor activities, as well as playing an instrument, drawing, etc.
I enjoyed the interactive elements presented. Getting to do the activities myself is always the best way for me to learn! It was also nice to connect with people from other places, as I feel this makes everything friendlier! I really like adapting and focusing my body energy. The class reminded me to access this during my teaching. A wonderful way to bring new light into the studio.
Andrea Case, Cello Teacher
I found there was a notable change between the before and after creativity exercises.
I realized after class that I felt nurtured by the experience.
I took the class to help my grandson and found exercises that I will enjoy practicing with him.
Laura, Homeschooler
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