The Language of Movement

Movement is our first language. We start practicing it in utero and our first senses to develop – our internal senses: vestibular, proprioceptive, tactile – are movement oriented.

Dr. Dennison, founder of Educational Kinesthetics (from the Latin educere, to draw  out and the Greek root for movement) noted that until about the age of 11, all children are kinesthetic learners. All learning occurs first through our bodies via our senses. This is the realm of both artists and scientists for the fundamental tool used by both is observation. And it is our movement and sensory experience that stimulates the development of our ‘intranet’ the synaptic connections in our nervous system.

We gradually develop intention, control and coordination of our movement, as well as our relationship to ourselves and to the world; Eventually we are able to use our executive function to control our actions, to be creative, and to fulfill our human potential.

Our journey to intentional control of our movement is guided by our genetic program. This begins with reflexive movements which help develop neural networks in the brain, neuromuscular co-ordination, muscle tone, and core stability. These reflexive movements then combine to form movement patterns, each of which explores connections and relationships: of the parts of our body to each other, and of ourselves to others, to space, and to the world.

To me, movement literacy is as important to living our full potential as verbal literacy. This includes mastering body awareness, control, coordination, balance; exploring and understanding different elements, qualities and dynamics of movement in both their expressive and practical uses; and even writing and reading movement notation.

I offer a variety of courses exploring movement in different applications, as well as private sessions for those wishing coaching or assistance reaching their life and learning goals

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